Monday 9 December 2019

Gaelic Icelanders

Note the positioning of the SSG-A4 sample,
she appears to be super drifted in the direction
of the “Celtic” cluster.

With my sincerest thanks to David of the Eurogenes blog, we are now for the first time ever able to look at at least two relatively pure medieval Irish samples from the mixed Norse/Gaelic colony of Iceland.
Unfortunately they are both very low quality samples, but beggars cannot be choosers of course.
Both samples show a relatively high degree of drift with modern Irish, particularly Irish from Ulster which seems to have been where most of the Gaelic settlers came from.

Genetic distance with modern populations
Global 25 vahaduo tool.

Genetic distance with ancient populations.

If you would like to read the paper featuring these two samples you can do so here.

Update: Global 25 heat maps showing distance to modern populations, the redder the closer.